By Blake Rockwell
Executive Director
On day 3 of "Project 1-2-3", we introduced you to Fletcher in the post, "Little Ladies Man." Fletcher was, as are all the children we're fortunate to serve, an amazing youngster - wise beyond his years and a great sense of humor.
On September 11, 2004, Special Spectators hosted its first game day event at the University of Oklahoma. Late in the third quarter, the kids and I headed toward the field for the stadium announcement which was scheduled between the third and fourth quarters.
Moments before the announcement, the kids asked me to join them on the field. Three younger boys stood in front of Fletcher and me as the announcement began. The crowd cheered loudly for the kids and I turned to acknowledge the fans behind us. As I did, with my back turned slightly to the boys, the stadium suddenly erupted into a thunderous roar. I didn't know why. When I turned back to face the kids, I noticed Fletcher. This ten year-old boy had courageously removed his OU cap to reveal his bald head and began waving it to the crowd. The place went nuts!
The picture below captured this moment beautifully.